Informative graphics animations

Following on from the documentary based animations project, I have recently been watching short clips, either general knowledge or news-based, that rely on short graphic animations to illustrate points being made. These short films are increasingly common in popular media, and are either solely animations, or incorporate live action. For instance, the clip below uses animated graphics to highlight key information about the recycled clothing industry, whilst the interviewer is still the main focus of the film. This approach arguably makes the film more accessible and captivating for a wider audience.

Another popular website that consistently uses animations is BBC Ideas, which uses animations in order to get across often complicated concepts. Whilst simplifying the concepts, the animations also makes the clips more ‘watchable’, and presumably have contributed to the success of the bbc ideas clips. Below is an example of an opinion based clip that’s that’s the aim of informing the audience of some of Freud’s ideas, whilst discussing their application in the modern world.

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