Animating Gertie

We recently had the opportunity to watch Joanna Quinn and Les Mills give two lectures about their process of animation and film-making, and later give feedback on our individual films. It was hugely informative to watch Joanna’s film-making process, and helped to de-mystify some of the elements of her fantastic films. I now slightly wish …

Working on LAVS

Today I had a really useful session with Charles Douglas regarding acting for animation, and recording LAV footage to use when animating my Fish. I already have some outlines of dance moves for the character of FISH, however it was incredibly helpful to have some direction with how to approach the characters ‘leg discovery’ scene. …

Working on LEGS 16.02.202

I have found whilst working on the animatic that I find it really difficult to imagine the backgrounds in the correct perspective as I move through scenes. I am also struggling with camera work in the film, and am finding difficult angles a struggle to board out. My solution to this has been to build …

Changing FISH’s design.

In a recent crit it was pointed out that when FISH’s character (spoiler alert) gets packaged up for consumption, the product name is ‘Frog’s Legs n’ Fish’, which could cause some confusion due to the lack of frog legs in the film. The reason that I chose this product name was because A. it’s suitably …